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Give Everyone hamburgers! [ Idea Strength: 32 ]
Idea posted by : beerbaby for Civil / Human Rights on Monday, January 16, 2012 : 11:50:19 PM, Views: 2012, Comments: 0

Give everyone hamburgers! Free ones every day! Then no person shall ever go hungry. And besides, who gets tired of burgers? NO ONE, Thats who!

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Average Idea Coolness: 10.0 (2)

Average Vote Strength: 10.0 (1)


Idea posted by : Alias for Technology on Thursday, May 17, 2012 : 2:29:17 AM, Views: 2719, Comments: 1

"History should be our guide. The United States led the world’s economies in the 20th century because we led the world in innovation. Today, the competition is keener; the challenge is tougher; and that is why innovation is more important than ever. It is the key to good, new jobs for the 21st century. That’s how we will ensure a high quality of life for this generation and future generations. With these investments, we’re planting the seeds of progress for our country, and good-paying, private-sector jobs for the American people."


Since taking office, President Obama has taken historic steps to lay the foundation for the innovation economy of the future. The Obama Innovation Strategy builds on well over $100 billion of Recovery Act funds that support innovation, additional support for education, infrastructure and others in the Recovery Act and the President’s Budget, and novel regulatory and executive order initiatives. It seeks to harness the inherent ingenuity of the American people and a dynamic private sector to ensure that the next expansion is more solid, broad-based, and beneficial than previous ones. It focuses on critical areas where sensible, balanced government policies can lay the foundation for innovation that leads to quality jobs and shared prosperity. It has three parts:

1. Invest in the Building Blocks of American Innovation. We must first ensure that our economy is given all the necessary tools for successful innovation, from investments in research and development to the human, physical, and technological capital needed to perform that research and transfer those innovations.

•Restore American leadership in fundamental research. President Obama implemented the largest increase in basic R&D in history, which will lay the foundation for new discoveries and new technologies that will improve our lives and create the industries of the future.

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Average Idea Coolness: 10.0 (1)

Average Vote Strength: 10.0 (1)


Fixing a backwards system [ Idea Strength: 21 ]
Idea posted by : Quarentine for Labor / Jobs on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 : 12:04:01 PM, Views: 2737, Comments: 0

Hello, I am an under-educated felon. I have been trying to get a job in SLC for over a year if not more, yet it has been a fruitless and tiring struggle. It baffles me that the state would like to keep criminals off the street and keep them from continuing to do what it is they do and yet...will not give these people jobs. I once watched a movie called Ever After..with a wonderful quote, it read as follows ": If you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners corrupted from infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded, sire, but that you first make thieves and then punish them?" This is exactly what felons are going through right now. Perhaps not in so many words, but the sentiment is there. We go to crime because we cant get work, we become felons and have to pay for our transgressions..yet have no means of doing so with out doing time. I simply need a job so i may pay off the state and get off of felony probation so i may move to arizona with my fiancee and our twin daughters and straighten out my life, yet i can not. Its the backwards thinking of employers that inhibits people like my self. I was once told, recently, by an employer (of whom shall remain anonymous) "look, if you had killed someone i could get you a job...but do to the type of felony you have my hands are tied". With that kind of logic one should respond with "how much is your life worth?" Put more simply..would you rather risk losing your life, or would you rather risk losing some money? There has to be something done about this, people are becoming worse..and some of us possibly even suicidal due to the constant struggle, and the constant failure. Im so tired of hearing how easy it is to get a job as a felon, however here is a fact for the people, it really depends on your felony as well as who you know. Mine is burglary, im trying to turn a new leaf and become a stable, successful person for my

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Average Idea Coolness: 10.0 (1)

Average Vote Strength: 10.0 (1)


TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN [ Idea Strength: 21 ]
Idea posted by : jbruno for Economic Development on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 : 12:42:53 PM, Views: 2183, Comments: 0

A law should be passed to make people live within their means. No matter how rich, how poor, how famous or what tax bracket they are in. This will keep people from going in debt. When people are no longer in debt, they will now be able to help their fellow Americans that are suffering right here in our country. There more than enough millionaires, billionaires, and TRILLIONAIRES, in this country to shelter the homeless, feed the hungry and clean up its streets without a dime from or government. Our rich in this country are not helping it poor as much as they could. They can give up one fancy sports car, one fur coat, one set of golf clubs, one pair of diamond earrings etc... and make a world of difference for thousands.

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Average Idea Coolness: 10.0 (1)

Average Vote Strength: 10.0 (1)


bone outlaw [ Idea Strength: 21 ]
Idea posted by : brown smith for Consumer Protection on Thursday, February 23, 2012 : 9:38:58 PM, Views: 2121, Comments: 0

ima bring it back with the passion of rap and singing

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Average Idea Coolness: 10.0 (1)

Average Vote Strength: 10.0 (1)


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