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Public Transportation [ Idea Strength: 251 ]
Idea posted by : DennisMartin80 for Transportation on Thursday, October 7, 2010 : 1:16:53 AM, Views: 2215, Comments: 6

There should be a network of high-speed trains similar to what exists in Europe that spans the country. It would improve the economies between the coasts, help ease some of the reliance on oil dependency, and allow people to live in more places.

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Average Idea Coolness: 8.0 (11)

Average Vote Strength: 9.0 (11)


Small Business Stimulus [ Idea Strength: 186 ]
Idea posted by : Alias for Small Business on Wednesday, October 6, 2010 : 1:50:04 AM, Views: 2295, Comments: 0

Small business are the engine of the American economy and we do not see any type of direct economic stimulus assistance being offered to small businesses.

One idea is to offer a 3 year tax break of about 25% so that small businesses can make investments of their choice rather than the government telling us where we need to spend to get tax breaks.

This type of policy has worked very well in other countries.

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Average Idea Coolness: 9.0 (8)

Average Vote Strength: 9.0 (8)


Estate and Gift Tax [ Idea Strength: 152 ]
Idea posted by : Alias for Taxation on Wednesday, October 6, 2010 : 1:52:29 AM, Views: 2463, Comments: 4

Policy Family-owned small businesses should pass to heirs without estate taxes being imposed. Background The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 phases down the estate tax until it is repealed in 2010. As of 2010 no tax would be assessed on an estate, and property in the estate would pass to the heirs without tax consequences until the heirs sell the inherited property. Upon sale, the assets would be subject to capital gains taxes. The current step up in basis that increases the basis of inherited assets would remain in effect for the first $1.3 million in assets transferred upon death and an additional $3 million in assets for a surviving spouse. As a result, the basis of assets transferred to a surviving spouse could be increased by a total of $4.3 million without being subject to any capital gains taxes. These amounts are adjusted annually for inflation. Assets not covered by the step up in basis would have the same basis in the hands of heirs as the assets had prior to the death of the owner. According to the schedule in the Act, in 2002 the unified estate and gift tax credit was increased to $1 million per person. In 2004, the unified credit was increased to $1.5 million and then to $2 million in 2006. In 2009, the unified credit is increased to $3.5 million. In 2002, the surtax and rates above 50 percent were repealed. From 2003 through 2007, the estate tax rates were reduced one percentage point to bring the rate down to 45 percent in 2009. In 2010, the estate and generation skipping transfer taxes are repealed. The gift tax remains in place but rates are reduced to a maximum of 35 percent. In 2004, the qualified family owned business deduction was repealed. In 2011, the estate tax repeal will sunset and the rate will revert back to its current form prior to the enactment of the 2001 act. Solution Seek and support legislation to make the repeal of the estate tax permanent.

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Average Idea Coolness: 8.0 (8)

Average Vote Strength: 8.0 (8)


Performance-Based Pay for Educators [ Idea Strength: 147 ]
Idea posted by : kerlynn7 for Education on Thursday, October 7, 2010 : 1:19:05 AM, Views: 2311, Comments: 2

Dissolve tenure and instead pay educators based on their performance in the classroom. Just as it is in the private sector, educators should be incentivized to perform at a high level rather than receive habitual (and sometimes unjustified) pay increases throughout their career.

Make them take ownership over their work!

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Average Idea Coolness: 7.0 (9)

Average Vote Strength: 7.0 (9)


Sustainability Credits [ Idea Strength: 133 ]
Idea posted by : Larry Pain for Environment on Thursday, October 7, 2010 : 1:16:50 AM, Views: 2380, Comments: 1

Currently energy is very cheap. Of course gas prices are going up, but energy to power, heat, light our homes is very cheap. There are no incentives for the average household with an average education and sensitivity to energy and environmental policies to take action. The impact is virtually imperceptible. A policy to reward the average homeowner beyond only incremental energy cost savings who either chooses to buy wind energy credits or install solar panels or choose other alternative fuels. This may be tax credits or other benefits to incite and propagate simple yet effective measures in the mainstream.

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Average Idea Coolness: 8.0 (7)

Average Vote Strength: 8.0 (6)


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